
Boda bodas are a significant part of Uganda’s transport industry and play a crucial role in its economic growth. For many people struggling to earn a sustainable livelihood in the pearl of Africa, the boda boda business has enabled them to become entrepreneurs and indirectly offer employment opportunities to many others. So if you’re looking for a chance to fulfil your financial goals, look no further than getting your own boda boda. Not sure where to start? Keep reading to find out how to get a boda boda loan in Uganda from Watu! ...
For many Tanzanians seeking income-generating activities, becoming a boda boda rider is one of the most popular jobs available. As a significant mode of transportation in Tanzania, they allow people to avoid spending too much time on the road, and are quite convenient and cost-effective for business owners when delivering goods. Are you looking for a way to own your boda boda in Tanzania? Do you dream of becoming an entrepreneur? Learn more about how you can get a boda boda loan from Watu! ...
Are you looking for a new venture? Tired of the endless tarmacking journey seeking jobs that simply do not exist? Look no further than starting your own boda boda business! Boda bodas are the go-to transport mode for the majority of Kenyans. Whether you are in Meru, Mombasa, Kisumu or Nairobi, you can be sure to have a successful and profitable business with the right tools. Keep reading to learn more about becoming an entrepreneur and running your own boda boda business in Kenya! ...